Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Expectations and Dissapointments...

I have faced a cycle of this always in reference to my relationships with others. People's expectations from me, and their opinion of my expectations from them is so different from what I believe. I have always been a person who will call you or contact you when I truly feel like, not when I feel that it's a courtesy to call. And, I expect the same from you. I expect that people who are close to me will not "count" how many times they called or I called. I don't remember if I ever myself complaint anybody about being too busy to call. I have had friends who did, and either they slowly understood, or those relationships failed.
May be I am too unsuited for what a "social" relationship means today. I probably cannot change myself, because whenever I tried to, I felt as if I am "faking" to be something which I am not.... But, may be I can force myself occasionally, because, there are some relations you cannot afford to fail.

1 comment:

s.a said...

hmm... I can relate to what you mean. With me I know exactly when and whom I fail and why, but feel like I have no control over it no matter how much I try. It does feel real awful though and often stresses me out. I've begun to feel more comfy when people have least expectations from me.