Monday, July 18, 2005

Socialism... and free market.

A nice article on Slashdot on importance of free market in America..
It has echoes of Ayn Rand of "Atlas Shrugged", Gurcharan Das of "India Unbound".

An excerpt:

Socialism scares me. The direction of America scares me. Patton said ``America loves a winner. America will not tolerate a loser. Americans despise a coward. Americans play to win. That's why America has never lost a war, for the very thought of losing is hateful to an American.'' I wonder if now this is no longer true; Americans love losers and cannot tolerate a winner. And it's sad, really, because Americans have the opportunity to become winners. We're just choosing to bring everyone down to the loser level, making sure nobody gets ahead, so that nobody will be left behind.

America has to prevent socialism from paralysing their economy, and India has to cure it!