Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Linux for human beings

Yes, that's Ubuntu!

Installed it on my home PC last night. The installation was pretty simple and fast. Just one installation CD, and it does install most of the useful packages. The installer is not all that graphical, but still quite straightforward and easy, probably more than the Redhat graphical installer.
I have my PC next to my bed, and I was literally doing the installation half asleep. It was all very smooth, except that I formatted the wrong drive :-P

With linux at core, debian packing, gnome desktop, and open-office, it makes a good desktop solution. It can make shifting from Windows to Linux a bit more comfortable by small but useful offerings like
- installs firefox as the default browser rather than mozilla.
- gives small toolbar icons for "Browser", "Show desktop", and "Adjust sound" similar to Windows
- The default desktop settings make a clean desktop with a good look and feel.
Not that you cannot set all this up easily in other linuxes, but the good thing about ubuntu is that it gives you the desirable things without doing anything extra.

That's what I noticed on first shot, ready to do some experimentation with it and my iPod!