Friday, March 16, 2012

Sweet mistakes

I love the way Rewa says some words wrongly. I am tempted to speak the same way though I know I need to correct her :)
iya (her own name) which became eba recently,
anna (anda)
gigya (gir gaya)
naiii giraaa (nahin gira)
kaiya (kela)
kiyols (crayons)
dudu (milk)
chuchu (susu)
au buton (more butter)
baiji which bacame banoon recently.
beba (zebra)

List is never-ending. Find more details in a miraculously staged video here:


s.a said...

the video is so great. loved the way she laughed and hit her head (oh am so silly, type) when she said kela while repeating your banana prompt. :)

Unknown said...

:) thanks