Wednesday, December 01, 2004

And it's Sybase now!

Yesterday was pretty adventurous! Going to HP in morning, completing the formalities, flying to Pune in afternoon, and joining Sybase at 2'o clock!
It all came out quite well. Although, it did not seem so when I was stuck in the traffic jam on Airport road in morning, feared missing the flight, vented out my anger on the traffic policeman who was stopping the traffic for some minister to pass, and ultimately became the last person to board the air-van towards the plane!
Anyways, all the three DBMS TAs met today, and now one can imagine the fate of yet to join DBMS students :)

1 comment:

amit upadhyay said...

~ Anyways, all the three DBMS TAs met today, and now one can
~ imagine the fate of yet to join DBMS students :)

You mean you guys will take their classes?

Anyways, congrats and welcome to non-gult/tam-land again. :-)