Wednesday, March 09, 2005

HTML docs and Tables :(

splurr, splurr, splurr
doc, doc, doc
table, table, table...

I have become a document generating machine. Am writing a new document almost every day, and that too in html :((. Escaped from Word, and resorted to use VI.
And, how much the managers love tables! Was forced to search around to find a right CSS format to define a table, and came to know how horrible and frustrating it can be. Even after years of standardization of HTML and CSS stuff, there is no good way to define or say freeze a table format. Added to it the discrepancies between different browsers. There are always some properties that have to be written in the table tag itself, if you want a pleasent (or better said as expected) look in IE as well as firefox :(

I had a very simple requirement 1px solid borders, some cellspacing, cellpadding, align and width.... Did it very badly. Sharing it here only in hope somebody would tell me a better way :).

#tbsolid {
border: solid 1px; }
#tbsolid td{
border: solid 1px; }
#tbsolid th{
border: solid 1px; }

table style="border:solid 1px" id="tbsolid" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
align=center width=90%

If it doesn't get better, I may revolt and to dismay of my managers and reviewers, start floating around pdfs written in LaTeX :))

Current mood: Nostalgic


amit upadhyay said...

prolly wont solve all ur problems, but check out this. cool things to do with tables...

amit upadhyay said...

and see how do u like this.
and where the hell are u? :O

Anonymous said...