Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Between what is right and what is wrong. There is so fine a line between good and bad. Infact, the line is not there, everything is mixed, and I guess to make a line is as hard a problem as.... SVM in datamining :) (or may be harder!)
Anyways, I think this is common enough, and boring enough as I am not going to say here what is the exact confusion! But it does make me thoughtful, and refrain me from making a judgement about anyone. It is better to think of everyone just as "good" or "don't know", "bad" is a faulty and a cruel judgement.


amit upadhyay said...


i have something to end ur confusion.

work is so boring, we are in final stage for some demo, so all development has been frozen and since i have written such excellent programs that dont crash etc, i have nothing to do.. [i dont think i can come up with any better explaination than this for that blog :P]

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