Ok, so once again I face this question. Actually I have never given a
concrete answer to this to anyone. So let me attempt so.
First of all I do not "hate" Windows. Windows is all so pretty and
useful. And, I have all the due respect for the great brilliant
Microsoft guys who made it so :) And, for my father, say, I would ask
him to please stay away from linux, get his work done fast and happily
in Windows.
But for myself am irritated using Windows. And, it is mainly because I
have no use of most of what it offers. And, it does not offer many of
what I need and like.
Why I mainly login to computer
1. to work
2. to mail and browse
3. to listen to songs and maybe watch a movie.
I find linux and windows both pretty good for 2 and 3. (I don't play
computer games, if I did I would prefer Windows).
Now comes "work". And for that I need
1. A good command shell
2. A good editor (which I do not have to change for every language I work in)
3. Compilers and debuggers for the languages I work in.
And, for these I find only workarounds in windows but "the nice
solution" in linux. Lets say I want to do some C programming. Oh, I
will have to bring somehow and install Visual studio!
And, in Linux, gcc will be mostly there, or can be installed in few
minutes without much overhead. I can use my old practiced VI, no need
to learn a new editor! Similarly for perl, for python, anything that I
can think of, windows makes you buy (or pirate) for each and every
small thing you need. On Linux, it is just available!
OK, one thing that I may need is MS powerpoint or MS word. That is the
only thing for which I might go to windows. But I am not ready to
compromise on above fronts for document editing which is not so often
for me. I am ready to use workarounds for that!
And, above all I do not want to be dependent on a thing which I cannot
buy for my personal use, (or say do not want to buy) but only pirate!
Hmm, may be I missed some points, but anyway was not a bad attempt,
and totally my personal opinion and choices. There might be people,
who do not want a command shell, and who are happy learning and
installing a new editor/compiler for every language, and pirating as
long as it goes!